Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Women in Science - a historical outlook...

I think this cartoon does not need any explanation... And I am sorry to say that it is not only a joke... even these days...

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Chemical masquerade ball 2011

We may all remember school carnivals or masquerade balls of our own with desperate mothers trying to convince us that this or that costume or mask will be fantastic... Now it is time for us to be creative and to put our kids in scientific costumes... (Poor baby Boo with his chemical masquerade balls...)

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Quantum physics for beginners...

Becoming a mother makes you quickly understand and simplify the most complicated scientific principles... 

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Bacterial rendezvous

Although I still have my conflicts and problems in my scientific carreer right now, I decided deliberately to include a cartoon that is not linked to the problems of women in science but is just a joke... I would not like to make this blog the "wailing wall" of women working in science, it should make us smile from time to time...

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Scientific MLM system (copyright GS)

Being on maternity leave your situation is fragile (you depend evenmore on your boss and colleagues unless you want to quit science completely). At the same time you have more time to analyze your situation and that of your boss or your group. We've seen several groups, but their basic structure and functioning is similar, only their size varies, or they may be grouped to be more effective (then several pyramids join each other to produce a Nobel prize for the people sitting on the top). Discussing such questions, the first reader of the blog suggested me to draw this cartoon... (Thanks a lot for it!)